Tues. 24th

Worked in the morning helping Howe with the baggage. Signed my contract in the afternoon. Left K.C. at 6:05 over the Burlington, in two special cars. My berth @-7. Hammond left behind for being drunk. Came down to the train drunk as a lord and the old man fired him on the spot. Turned in early but gang was rough-housing so didn't sleep much.

Monday 23rd

Spent the day hanging around the hotel watching the crowd blow in. Bought a few things and went around the city a little. Assigned to Mr. Robinson's party. Kennard and I went to the theatre in the evening. Bum show with a crop of last seasons jokes with whiskers on them.

Sunday, April 22nd

Woke up near Fort Wayne, Ind. Had breakfast and then sat in the observation car all the way across Indiana and Illinois. Level country and lots of long tangents, counted one 16 inches long. Got to St. Louis at 2:10 and changed there for Kansas City which we reached at 9:30. Met Kennard at the station and found Oliver at the hotel. Doyle backed out on account of his girl.