Laid round all day enjoying life. Wrote to Herb and to Boston. A bunch of us got out the ponies in the P.M. and tried to ride them. We've started for the cockpit and knocked over an old native on the way. Rainy during the day.
Friday June 29th
Hot all day. Transit party went back to sta 284 and ran in c-line. We had a mile and a half of fierce topography. Roberts had the ponies out training them and we rode part way in on them. No rain until after we got in so we kept fairly dry.
Thursday June 28th
Meandered two rivers but didn't have any level notes so couldn't take topog. In water up to our necks all the morning and in the afternoon it rained so we kept wet all day. Got back to camp and found a letter from Ma and one from Boston, both dated May 19th. It looked good as it was two weeks since we had received any mail. A bunch of ladrones came into town last night and stole some money and a couple of women. There was a great ___ and running around but not much bloodshed.
Wednesday 27th Victorias
Had a big days work. Ran through grass about twelve feet high all day. Found a mistake in level notes. Robert and Farnham away all night looking up a place to camp. Rained all night. Rice paddies beginning to be muddy enough to be mean.
Tuesday 26th
Victorias. Had another easy time to-day. Got into camp at 3 P.M. Stopped at a big sugar mill just as they were pouring off a batch of sugar. Got a lot to eat. Rained in the evening. Good and cool and had a fine sleep. Transit party ran to sta. 648.
Monday 25th
Had an easy time to-day only had to run the Malugo River and take a mile of topog. Had a short walk and got in just before it rained. Transit party got soaked. Roberts arrived from Silay with the pack-ponies and two riding horses. Transit party ran 21 stations.
Sunday June 24th
Victorias. Coffee and biscuits for breakfast. Walked two mi. in A.M and had a fine bath in Malabug Riv. Rained coming back and all P.M. Wrote a long letter home. Crowd gone to a cock fight. Gord and I starting a beard. Guess I wouldn't look fine with a Van Dyke.
Saturday 23rd
Victorias. Hot in A.M. Weston and I about all in when we got to big hacienda at noon. The haciendero took us in and we had a good long rest and all the good water we could drink. Moved from Silay, sent our baggage by boat and when we hiked into Victorias the boat wasn't here. The native teacher gave us some supper and we hired a native house and turned in the bare boards with a canteen for a pillow. Boat came in about midnight and we got our cots and bags. Left our trunks and grips at Silay and are in light marching order now with all our stuff in a dunnage bag. Hot all day and no rain. Saw them making sugar at the hacienda where we stopped at noon. Ran through big cane fields all day. No rain at all.
Friday 22nd
Silay. Started in taking topog. Tools 2 1/2 mi. Transit party ran to sta. 312 and came in all beat out. I am feeling fine but don't sleep well owing to the hardness of my cot. Move to Victorias to-morrow. No rain at all.
Thursday 21st
Silay. Started in work in earnest this morning. Transit party made about three miles. Weston and I meandered two rivers. Hot in morning and rained all the afternoon. Cooper had his watch stolen and Gord had 60 pesos stolen last night. Arms and neck badly sunburned.
Wednesday June 20th Silay
Got the instruments out and adjusted them in the morning. In the afternoon we went out and made a map of the town. About 5000 natives followed us around and got in the way so that you couldn't see the transitman's signals at all. Having heard words to get native helpers. People here don't seem to be much in favor of a railroad. Kept awake at night by the stallions fighting around the house. Showers in P.M.
Monday June 18th
Laid round all day and worked a little helping with the baggage. Sent ten dollars home. Wrote to Abbie. We leave on the launch at 8 to-morrow A.M. Showers. "Patsy" fell off a horizontal bar while doing some stunts for the edification of a crown of admiring natives. Scared the natives but didn't do any serious damage to himself.
Tuesday 19th
Got up early and had breakfast at 6. Left Iloilo at 7:30 on an old tub named the "Ticulin". We made the 30 miles across here to Silay by 3l3f3n and then we had a fine time getting the baggage ashore from the steamer. We loaded the whole business into one big dugout and nearly sank it. We are living in a big house the home of the American school teacher, the only American in town besides ourselves. Unpacked the stuff and got the Chink cook started in business. Turned in early. Showers early in morning.
Saturday 16th
Sailing all day. The "Luzor" is a little 500 ton boat and wouldn't be much use in a heavy sea but we have had smooth weather and nobody was sick except Weston. Rained like time in the night.
Sunday 17th
Got into Iloilo about 11:30 A.M. Came ashore in J.G.W.&Co.'s launch the "Petrel". Quartered in the company's building here. Nash's party stayed on board and went back to Capiz. Rainy.
Friday 15th
Worked all the morning getting the baggage aboard. Left the dock at three P.M. in a pouring rain. Got my first mail sine I left Seattle, just as we were leaving the dock. Went aboard the gov't. coast guard boat "Luzor" and left for Iliolo at 5:20. Slept on deck as there were no stateroom accommodations.
Thursday 14th
Sawyer married last night. Rec'd the Dartmouth and Eng. News. Colbert took Johnson and I out to chow with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman from back in God's country. Supper tasted better than any meal I have had since I was home last February. Wrote to Boston this A.M. Will be glad to get out to-morrow. Hot as blazes all day.
Wednesday 13th
Shopping in morning. Worked in P.M. Howe's party left for Cebu on the 'Reyes'. Mail from the States on the 'Dorie' but none for me. Bought some Boston Sunday Heralds and got news of the Brown, Yale, and Harvard games and the relay race at Phila. Those papers are the best things I have seen in Manila. With Colbert in evening. We leave Friday at four P.M. Will be glad to get to work. Got vaccinated again.
Tuesday June 12th
Cooker. Worked about all day. Found Bill Colger Ghost walked.
Monday June 11th
Cooler to-day. Hung around office all day expecting to work. Rest of the gang came in this morning on the "Yaneusaug". Teachers coming to-morrow on the Rubi. Concert in the Botanical Gardens in the P.M. Howe's party leaves for Cebu Wednesday.
Saturday 9th
Hot all day. Worked on company baggage some. Luneta in the evening. Went to Orpheuin theatre in evening; hour show.
Sunday 10th
Went out to Nealabon in the morning. Wrote home.
Friday June 8th
Manila, P.I. Got into the bay about six A.M. Came up by Correigdor Id and Cairte and came to anchor about 8. Went ashore on J.G.W. & Co's launch, the "Hawk" and are quartered at the Grand Hotel inside the old walled city. Got baggage through customs and looked around town all day. Quaint old town with funny old Spanish buildings. Hotel an old Spanish affair with thick stone walls and an inner court. Went out to the "Lucenta" with Shorty in the evening. Band concert by a native band and a small turnout of the people. Hot as blazes but some of the people say it is a cool day for this place.
Thursday 7th
Hotter than yesterday. Colin and most of the sick one recovered. Due in Manila to-morrow morning. Having a fine sail. Captain says this is the smoothest trip in seven years. The deck for mine to-night. Showers during the night. Sighted lighthouse about 9:30.
Wednesday 6th
Hot all day. The "Teau" is a small boat, about 2000 tons and rolls considerably so most of the fellows were sick all day. We are traveling 2nd class and have a deck all to ourselves so can lie around and enjoy live. Pretty sunset and fine moonlight night. Slept on deck.
Monday June 4th
8 hours from Hong-Kong. Hot and sticky as blazes all day. Wrote home. Howe announced his engagement to Miss Norton and got the glad hand at dinner to-night. Financial situation rapidly ceasing to be a joke.
Tuesday 5th
On board S.S. Teau between Hong-Kong and Manila. Woke up in Hong-Kong harbor this morn. No quarantine. H.K. quite a wonder. English city with five large buildings and paved streets. Saw some wood block paving. Things very cheap as this is a free port. Relieved the tobacco famine. Hot and sultry all day. Left the Br. Steamer "Teau" for Manila at 6P.M. Slept on deck all night.
Sunday June 3rd
Between Shanghai and Hong-Kong. Getting rather warm; sure directly overhead at noon. Lovely warm moon-light night, stayed on deck enjoying it until quite late. Ways and Means Committee considering the financial affairs of the party, which look pretty dubious at present. Wrote a letter to Couley. Due in Hong-Kong Tuesday.
Saturday June 2nd
Between Shanghai and Hong Kong. Worked all the morning and half the afternoon. Got away from Shanghai about 3:30 this P.M. and are now on the last lap for the Minnesota. The water is yellow away out here on account of the rivers. Getting warmer. Fair day.
Friday June 1st
In port at Shanghai. When we woke up this morning we were anchored in the Yang-ste-Kiang River 15 mi. below Shanghai. Couldn't go ashore but stayed on board and worked all day. From what we saw of the natives around the boat they aren't much. There was a bunch of them gathering swill from the galley port his morning. A number of fights among the coolies on board during the day. The water is yellow with mud like the Missouri River at home. Fine day all day. Glad we don't have to get up for quarantine to-morrow morning at 6:30. No hot weather yet but suppose we will strike it by the time we get to Hong Kong.