Wed Aug 22nd.

Had a long hard walk back about three miles over the line and we didn't get to work until two. Only did a mile. Rained during the day and about all night. Guess we are getting into the rainy season. Will soon be into Escalante now.

Tues. August 21st

Moved camp to-day. White and I got lost, we started for camp at 2 o'clock and didn't reach it until after dark. This camp is away in the middle of the woods and it sure is a job to find it. We are camping in Hoffer's house near Buchauau's hacienda. Patsy killed a poisonous snake.

Mon. Aug 20th

Went back and ran some more line on the ridge back of camp. At last we are going to leave here as we move tomorrow.

Sunday August 19th

Went up to Faroau in the morning with Cooper and White. Fair all day. Got a bad stye on my eye so wrote only to Ma.