The Diary of Fletcher Hatch
Blog Archive
Tues. Nov 20 thTransit party went out and started ...
Mon. Nov. 19 thWent out in the forenoon and ran ab...
Sun. Nov. 18 thLaid round camp as usual. Dr. Hage...
Sat. Nov. 17 thFinished yesterdays line and then s...
Fri. Nov. 16 thWent back almost to Suay and ran an...
Wed. Nov. 14 thWent back to Benequel nad ran a lin...
Thurs. Nov.15 thRan yesterdays line on further and...
Tues. Nov. 13 thRan line from Benequel into Cabanc...
Mon. Nov. 12 thGot up early and packed up for a fl...
Sunday Nov. 11Laid round all day as usual. Wrote ...
Sat. Nov 10 thWhole crowd recovered and went out o...
Fri. Nov. 9 thParty in camp again to-day working o...
Wed. Nov. 7 thFelt better to-day. Gard came in si...
Thurs. Nov. 8 thThe whole crowd was more or less o...
Tues. Nov. 6 thLaid round all day feeling pretty b...
Mon. Nov. 5thLeft Binalbagan and came down to Hima...
Sun. Nov. 4 thLaid round on the cot all day feelin...
Sat. Nov. 3 rdFeeling a little better to celebrate...
Thurs. Nov. 1stSick all day, slept a little in aft...
Friday Nov 2 ndParty moved to Himanaylau. I was t...
Wed. Oct. 31 stWent out on line but came in at noo...
Tues. Oct. 30 thWent out on line and did yesterday...
Mon. Oct. 29thWeston and I stayed in camp and work...
Sun. Oct. 28thLaid around all day enjoying a good ...
Sat. Oct 27thRan about four miles on I-line and ca...
Thurs. Oct. 20 thLeft La Carlota on another canned...
Fri. Oct. 21 stStarted out on I-line toward Guinig...
Wed. Oct. 24thWent out and ran G-line up into the ...
Tues. Oct. 23rdWent out in the forenoon and took f...
Mon. Oct. 22ndStayed in camp and helped Worthingto...
Sun. Oct. 21stFine cool day. Went to walk and too...
Fri. Oct. 19thCrossed the Bago River and ran about...
Sat. Oct. 20thRan F-line into town in the morning ...
Thurs. Oct. 18thGot up early and started out to lo...
Tues. Oct. 16thStarted at B730 and ran about three...
Wed. Oct. 17thRan 5 ½ miles, breaking the record. ...
Sun. Oct. 14thPretty hot all day. Shirrard, the s...
Mon. Oct. 15thGot up early and five of us walked b...
Sat. Oct. 13thCooper went ahead to look up the cou...
Fri. Oct. 12thWent back to Gebong River and ran ov...
Thurs. Oct. 11thRianed hard all night and all day....
Wed. Oct. 10thStill cold and rainy. Woke up and go...
Tues. Oct. 9thWent back the other side of the Suma...
Mon. Oct. 8thHill, Gard, and I went back about fou...
Sun. Oct. 7thLaid round camp and took a few pictur...
Fri. Oct. 5thTaking soundings again. Didn't take ...
Sat. Oct. 6th DulaoMoved from Bacolod to barrio of...
Thurs. Oct. 4thStayed in camp and took up two roll...
About Me
Fletcher Ames Hatch
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Tues. Oct. 30 th
Went out on line and did yesterday’s and to-days work and moved into Bimalbagou at night. Cold and rainy.
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